
Register now for 2024 Annual Gathering of the Florida Conference

Now is the time to gather the church and to celebrate and recommit to our shared covenant as The United Church of Christ in Florida comes together at the Wyndham / Wyndham Garden Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs Resort Oct. 17-19 for the 2024 Annual Gathering of the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ. In a time of change and transition, come join us as we find ourselves as a gathered body “Flowing with the Spirit,” this year’s theme. In addition to other invited guests and friends, including our new Transitional Conference Minister Rev. Nayiri Karjian, we are excited to have Rev. Vince Amlin joining us as our keynote speaker. Register today!

What's going on in the Florida Conference?
In the latest issue of Celebrate Florida, Rev. John Vertigan reminisces about the 2015 Fall Gathering when he was called to serve as Conference Minister, and Conference Moderator Lynn Jones introduces Transitional Conference Minister Rev. Nayiri Karjian, who will start in her new role on Sept. 1. In addition, you can learn about "The Church of Mushrooms," Earth Day 2024 activities at several of our churches, and many more interesting happenings at UCC churches across Florida! Read all about it!
Last 2024 REDI training set for September, required for all active Florida clergy
Our REDI training is now ready! What is REDI training you may ask? It stands for Racial, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, and it is a training that all active, authorized clergy with their standing in the Florida Conference of the United Church of Christ will be required to complete. The Florida Conference will offer this training one more time in 2024. It will consist of two four-hour Zoom videoconference sessions on Friday, Sept. 20, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and Saturday, Sept. 21, from 8 a.m. to noon. Click here to learn more or register!
Missing our emails?
If you've been missing our e-Celebrate and Celebrate Florida email newsletters, you may have missed the announcement last December that we discontinued e-Celebrate, which had been published every other week, in favor of a new weekly newsletter that we're calling The Sunshine Connection until we come up with a better name. If you'd like to start receiving The Sunshine Connection, you can sign up here. In addition, starting this year, Celebrate Florida will be published quarterly, at the end of March, June, September and December, rather than every other month as it had been. If you've already subscribed, you don't need to do anything. If you'd like to subscribe or update your email address, go here.  

God is still speaking